DMP Electronics Smoke Alarm XR2400F User Manual

Fire Command Center  
User’s Guide  
Downloaded from:  
User's Guide  
for XR2400F Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels  
Table of Contents  
Emergency Evacuation Plans ............................................ iv  
AboutYour Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel ............. 1  
Fire Command Center .............................................. 1  
User Menu ................................................................ 1  
The Select keys ........................................................ 2  
The Fire Command Center ................................................ 2  
Data Entry keys ........................................................ 2  
The Arrow key ........................................................... 2  
The Command key .................................................... 2  
Status LEDs .............................................................. 2  
Power LED............................................................ 2  
Trouble LED .......................................................... 2  
Alarm LED ............................................................ 2  
User Options Menu ................................................... 3  
Four Function Keys ................................................... 3  
SILENCE Key ....................................................... 3  
RESET Key........................................................... 3  
TEST Key ............................................................. 3  
DRILL Key ............................................................ 3  
Remote Fire Command Center.......................................... 3  
Special Fire Command Center Displays ............................ 4  
Special Fire Command Center Tones ................................ 4  
Fire Command Center User Menu..................................... 5  
Alarm Silence .................................................................... 6  
Sensor Reset..................................................................... 6  
Outputs On Off .................................................................. 7  
Zone Status ....................................................................... 7  
System Status ................................................................... 8  
System Test ....................................................................... 8  
User Codes ....................................................................... 9  
User Code Authority Levels....................................... 9  
Programming Custom User Codes ..........................10  
Ambush Codes ........................................................11  
Deleting User Codes ................................................11  
Changing User COdes .............................................11  
Setting the Date and Time ................................................12  
Display Events ..................................................................13  
About the Display Events Seciton .....................................14  
Zone Event Displays ................................................14  
User Code Change Event Displays ..........................14  
Supervisory Event Displays .....................................14  
System Monitor Event Displays................................14  
Service Request ...............................................................15  
Fire Drill ............................................................................15  
895 Voice Module .............................................................16  
Emergency Evacuation Plans  
The National Fire Protection Association recommends that you  
establish an emergency evacuation plan to safeguard lives in the  
event of a fire or other emergency. Use the following steps as a guide.  
First Floor  
Second Floor  
Fire Escape  
Draw a floorplan of your home or business  
On a clean sheet of paper, draw the walls, windows, doors, and stairs.  
Also draw any obstacles that a person may encounter while exiting  
the building such as large furniture or appliances.  
Window Ladder  
Develop escape routes  
Building Front  
Building Back  
Determine at least two routes the occupants in each room can take  
to safely escape. One route can be the most obvious such as the  
door. Another can be through a window that can be easily opened. If  
the window is high off the ground, an escape ladder should be  
Draw arrows on the floorplan to show escape routes from each room.  
Decide where to meet  
personnel are likely to be working. A neighbor's house or across the  
street in the front of the house are good locations. Always perform a  
head count to make sure all occupants safely exited. NEVER ENTER  
A BURNING BUILDING. If the head count shows one or more  
persons missing, give this information immediately to the authorities.  
Never enter a building to look for someone.  
Early detection  
The best way to survive a fire or other emergency is to get out early.  
The installation of a fire alarm system, with smoke and carbon  
monoxide detectors in each room, can greatly decrease your risk of  
loss or injury.  
Practice your escape plans  
Devising an escape plan is only the beginning, before the plan can be  
effective everyone should practice the escape routes from each room.  
A Remote Fire Command Center is also available to use with the  
XR2400FAddressableFireAlarmControlPanel. Theremotekeyboard  
can be placed anywhere throughout the premises.  
About Your Addressable Fire Alarm  
Control Panel  
The Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel has been designed with  
your safety and comfort in mind. It uses the latest in computer based  
technology to create the most advanced and user-friendly fire,  
security, and access control system available.  
Both keyboards have four additional function keys, which can be  
used for silencing the alarms, resetting the smoke detectors, testing  
the system, and performing fire drills. Both keyboards require the  
user to turn a keyswitch to enable the four function keys.  
a simple to understand Fire Command Center display to offer the full  
range of features requested by today’s fire system owners.  
User Menu  
The keyboards also give you access to the User Menu, which  
contains all of the functions necessary to fully operate your system.  
You can turn portions of your protection on or off at any time by  
pressing a few keys. You can add, delete, and change personal user  
codes at any time or check the status of protection devices in the  
system. An added feature of the Addressable Fire Alarm Control  
Panel is the membrane keyboard that has four additional function  
keys you may use to easily perform a variety of functions.  
Note: Because the XR2400F is based upon the XR200 Command  
Processor, some prompts provided on the User Menu are not  
necessary for XR2400F operation. If the User Menu provides you  
with an option not discussed in this User Guide, please disregard it  
and move on to the next prompt by pressing the COMMAND key.  
For more information about these prompts, please refer to LT-0185,  
XR200/XR2400F Programming Guide.  
The following menu items are not used with the XR2400F:  
Door Access  
Armed Areas  
Bypass Zones  
Zone Monitor  
Fire Command Center  
The XR2400F comes with a built-in LCD display with a 20 key  
membranekeyboardcalledtheFireCommandCenter. Thekeyboard  
is mounted behind an opening in the door of the red enclosure. The  
keyboard can be used to perform a variety of functions as listed in this  
User’s Guide.  
Data Entry keys  
These keys allow you to enter your user code and other information  
into the system.  
The Fire Command Center  
Your system comes equipped with a built-in, easy to use Fire  
CommandCenterthatallowsyoutoproperlyoperatethesystem. The  
keyswitch to the left of the keyboard must be turned to the “enable”  
position before you can use the four functions keys. It is not  
necessary to use the keyswitch when using a user code to perform  
operations. The illustration and descriptions below highlight some  
features of the Fire Command Center:  
The ARROW key  
The ARROW key is used to go back through the displays while  
operating your system. You can press the ARROW key to back up  
through the list of functions in the User Menu or to make a correction  
by erasing the last character you entered.  
LCD Display  
SELECT keys  
Status LEDs  
The COMMAND key  
The COMMAND key allows you to advance through the displays or  
User Menu or complete a data entry function.  
Status LEDs  
The Fire Command Center incorporates three LEDs to indicate the  
status of the system. The three indicator lights are described below.  
This LED remains ON steady when both AC and battery input are  
good. The LED turns OFF when AC input is low. The LED flashes  
for 1/2 second intervals when battery input is low.  
This LED turns ON when any trouble is displayed in the status list,  
such as AC, battery, phone line, transmit, ground fault, NAC, or any  
zone trouble. This light is OFF when no trouble is displayed in the  
status list.  
Data Entry Keys  
The SELECT keys  
There are four keys under the display called the SELECT keys. They  
allow you to choose what to do by pressing the SELECT key under  
choices being shown in the display.  
The ALARM LED is ON when any alarm is currently displayed in the  
status list. This LED is OFF when no alarm is currently displayed in  
the status list.  
User Options Menu  
Remote Fire Command Center  
Press and hold the ARROW and COMMAND keys for about two  
key to lower the display brightness. Use the right SELECT key to  
increase the display brightness. Press COMMAND.  
TheXR2400FAddressableFireAlarmControlPanel canbeexpanded  
by adding a Remote Fire Command Center. With the Remote Fire  
Command Center, user’s can access the User Menu and perform the  
same functions as the Fire Command Center in the panel. All of the  
keys, except the four function keys, can be used at any time without  
turning the keyswitch.  
At SET TONE, use the left SELECT key to lower the keyboard tone.  
Use the right SELECT key to raise the tone. Press COMMAND.  
At SET VOLUME LEVEL, use the left SELECT key to lower the  
keyboard volume. Use the right SELECT key to raise the volume.  
Press COMMAND.  
The four function keys can only be used when the keyswitch has been  
turned to the enable position. These keys are the same as those on  
the Fire Command Center in the panel. Both keyboards also have the  
same displays and prompts. Follow the same instructions for using  
both keyboards.  
Press the ARROW key to exit out of the User Options menu.  
Below is an illustration of the Remote Fire Command Center showing  
the keyswitch lock that enables the four function keys.  
Four Function Keys  
The Fire Command Center has been designed with four additional  
keys on the left side of the keypad. After turning the keyswitch, you  
can quickly perform vital functions using these four keys.  
LCD Display  
SELECT keys  
Status LEDs  
Pressing the SILENCE key will silence the alarm bells.  
Pressing the RESET key will perform a sensor reset and silence the  
alarm bells.  
TEST Key  
Pressing the TEST key will perform a system test.  
Pressing the DRILL key will display a prompt “SURE? YES NO”.  
Press YES to begin the fire drill. Press NO to return to the status list.  
Data Entry Keys  
There is a problem with one or more of the components in your  
system. Contact our service department as soon as possible.  
Special Fire Command Center Displays  
As you use your system, you will occasionally see a display that asks  
you to enter a code or that describes a condition on the system. Below  
are some examples of the displays you will see:  
The Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel is performing another task  
of a higher priority. This usually only takes a few moments.  
A 24 hour zone, such as a fire zone, has been tripped. Your system  
may sound bells and/or sirens.  
Special Fire Command Center Tones  
Your keyboard also contains a small speaker that allows it to alert you  
to events as they occur on your system. Below are brief descriptions  
of the different tones you'll hear from the keyboard:  
There is a problem with a protection device or system component.  
This display is accompanied by a description of the problem.  
Fire Alarm tone: An intermittent sweeping siren that sounds until the  
fire alarm is silenced.  
The system requires you to enter your user code. User codes can be  
required for turning your system on, turning your system off, and  
many other functions.  
Key press tone: A short beep each time you press a key and it’s  
acknowledged by the system.  
As you enter your user code, the display shows an asterisk (*) in place  
of each digit pressed. This keeps others from seeing your user code  
on the display as it’s entered.  
Trouble tone: A steady tone indicating a trouble condition on your  
system. Press any key except TEST or DRILL to silence. This only  
silences the keypad and does not correct the condition that originally  
caused the trouble.  
The user code you have entered is not recognized by the system.  
Check the user code and try again.  
All user codes have authority levels that allow the user to only access  
certain functions. When a user attempts a function outside their  
authority, the INVALID LEVEL message displays.  
Allows you to turn on or off any of the  
Fire Command Center User Menu  
Many of the features of your system have been put into a User Menu  
that you can access from the Fire Command Center or the Remote  
Fire Command Center. The menu requires you to enter your user  
code and then only shows those functions to which you have access.  
Allows you to enter a zone number and  
see if that zone is either armed,  
bypassed, in alarm, open, or shorted.  
Displays the current condition of the  
system's AC power, backup battery, and  
panel tamper (optional).  
Some features displayed on the User Menu are not necessary for the  
XR2400F Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel . Please disregard  
these prompts and displays. You may skip any displays and prompts  
not discussed in this User Guide by pressing the COMMAND key.  
To access the User Menu:  
Allows you to add, delete, or change  
user codes and authority levels.  
1. Press the COMMAND key until MENU? NO YES displays.  
2. Select YES. The display shows ENTER CODE: . Enter your  
user code and press COMMAND. You can now scroll down  
through the list of system features available to your authority  
Allows you to change the Day, Date, or  
Time that is currently in the system.  
Allows you to view or print the last 200  
events that occurred on your system.  
User Menu Options  
SERVICE REQUEST Allows you to send a message to the  
central station requesting service on the  
alarm system.  
The list below shows the User Menu options in the order they will  
appear in the display. A description of the options follows in this  
Allows you to test the system’s  
Menu Option  
The following pages detail each user menu item and provide  
instructions on when and how to use them properly.  
Silences an alarm bell or siren.  
Resets smoke detectors that have  
latched due to an alarm condition.  
User Menu  
Alarm Silence  
User Code Level: 2 and above.  
Sensor Reset  
User Code Level: All users.  
Function: Silences the alarm bell or siren during an alarm.  
Function:Resetssmokeorotherlatchingdetectors. AlsoclearsFire/  
Supervisory alarm and trouble displays.  
Alarm Silence allows you to turn off the alarm bell or siren connected  
to your system during an alarm. Using Alarm Silence does NOT stop  
an alarm report from being sent to the central station and does not  
reset any alarmed devices. Use the Sensor Reset function to reset  
devices such as smoke detectors that have latched in alarm.  
Sensor Reset is used to reset smoke and other latching detectors  
after they have been tripped. Once these detectors have tripped, they  
must be reset before they can detect any additional alarm conditions.  
When Sensor Reset is selected, power to the detectors is temporarily  
removed by the system allowing them to reset.  
Note: You can also silence an alarm by entering your user code and  
pressing COMMAND while the bell or siren is still sounding.  
Make sure all smoke is cleared from around the area of the smoke  
detectors before performing a Sensor Reset to prevent the alarm  
from occurring again.  
Silencing the Alarms  
1. Access the User Menu.  
Resetting the Sensors  
2. ALARM SILENCE? displays.  
1. Access the User Menu.  
3. Press any SELECT key. The system silences the bell or siren  
and exits the User Menu.  
2. Press COMMAND until SENSOR RESET displays.  
3. The display shows SENSORS OFF for five seconds followed by  
Using the SILENCE function key  
The SILENCE function key can only be used after the keyswitch has  
been turned to the “Enable” position.  
4. The display automatically exits the User Menu.  
Using the RESET function key  
The SILENCE key silences the alarms: The SILENCE key does NOT  
stop the alarm report from being sent to the central station.  
The RESET function key can be used after the keyswitch has been  
turned to the “Enable” position. The RESET key performs a sensor  
reset and silences the alarm bells.  
User Menu  
Outputs On Off  
User Code Level: 5 and above.  
Zone Status  
User Code Level: All users.  
Function: Allows you to turn the system relay outputs on and off.  
Function: Displays a list of bypassed or alarmed zones. Also allows  
you to check the status of individual zones.  
This function is used to individually turn your system’s relay outputs  
on and off. Your system may use these outputs to control such  
devices as smoke detectors, heat detectors, and other notification  
Zone Status can be used to give you a list of zones by category or  
display the current status of an individual zone number. The three  
categories that apply to the XR2400F are Alarmed, Bypassed, and  
Turning the Outputs On and Off  
Checking the Zone Status  
1. Access the User Menu.  
1. Access the User Menu.  
2. Press COMMAND until OUTPUTS ON/OFF? displays.  
3. Press any SELECT key to display OUTPUT: - ON OFF.  
2. Press COMMAND until ZONE STATUS? is displayed.  
3. Press any SELECT key to display ARM BYPS ALR NBR.  
4. Select BYPS for a list of zones that are currently bypassed.  
4. Enter the output number you want to turn on or off. The output  
number will appear in the display.  
5. With the output number displayed, press the SELECT key under  
ON or OFF. The output is then turned on or off, depending on  
your selection, and remains in that state until you change it.  
4. Select ALR for a list of zones that have gone into alarm during  
the current or previous armed period.  
5. Press NBR and ZONE NO: - will be displayed.  
Under certain conditions, some outputs cannot be turned on. If you  
select a restricted output, the display shows CANNOT TURN ON.  
6. At the ZONE NO: - prompt, enter the zone number you want to  
check and press COMMAND. The zone number and name is  
displayed followed by its status. For example, a zone status for  
zone one (1) might be OFFICE SMOKE - OKAY. The displays  
6. The system automatically removes the output number and a new  
output number can be entered. Refer back to step 4.  
Press the ARROW key to exit the User Menu.  
the zone is in a normal condition  
the zone is bypassed  
the zone is in a bad condition  
7. After displaying the zone status, ZONE: - returns for you to enter  
another zone number.  
User Menu  
System Status  
User Code Level: All users.  
System Test  
User Code Level: 4 and above.  
Function: System Test is used to test the battery, alarm bell or siren,  
and communication to the central station. The System Test function  
begins automatically as soon as you select it.  
System Status displays the condition of the panel's AC power, battery  
power, and optional panel tamper. When System Status is selected,  
each monitor is displayed followed by OKAY or TRBL (Trouble) to  
indicate the current condition.  
Using the System Test Function  
1. Access the User Menu.  
Checking the System Status  
2. Press COMMAND until SYSTEM TEST? displays.  
1. Access the User Menu.  
3. Press any SELECT key. The system test begins automatically  
and the display shows:  
2. Press COMMAND until SYSTEM STATUS? displays.  
1) BELL SOUNDING during a two second bell test, then:  
3. Press any SELECT key. The display starts listing each system  
monitor and status.  
2) BATTERY - OKAY or BATTERY - TRBL to indicate the  
condition of the battery, then:  
For example: AC POWER - OKAY  
* 3) TRANSMIT TEST and ATTEMPT NO : 1 during the  
Below are the System Monitor displays:  
transmit test, then:  
What it monitors  
AC power  
results of the transmit test, then:  
5) TEST END to indicate the System Test is complete.  
6) You can end the transmit test by pressing the ARROW key.  
* The transmit test does not operate on local systems.  
Using the TEST function key  
Battery power  
Panel enclosure tamper  
These are followed by either OKAY or TRBL (trouble).  
If TRBL is displayed, call the service department for assistance.  
The TEST function key can only be used after the keyswitch has been  
turned to the “Enable” position.  
4. The system then displays its firmware version (for example,  
VER_105_7/24/00), the panel model (MODEL XR2400F), then  
exits the User Menu.  
User Menu  
User Code Authority Levels  
User Codes  
User Code Level: 9 only  
Function: Allows you to add, delete, and change a user's (person  
operating the system) user code or authority level.  
Menu Options  
Sensor Reset  
✔ ✔  
✔ ✔  
✔ ✔  
Zone Status  
System Status  
Display Events  
Alarm Silence  
System Test  
Zone Monitor  
Outputs On/Off  
Service Request  
Fire Drill  
There are three characteristics associated with each user code that  
define its capabilities within the system.  
✔ ✔  
User Number  
User Code  
User Level  
User Number - Every user is numbered. This number identifies them  
to the system and can be transmitted to the central station  
User Code - Each user also has a 3 to 5 digit number they enter into  
the keyboard. NOTE: A User Code cannot begin or end with zero, or  
be in the range of 980 to 989, or be in the range of 1 to 299.  
Set Time  
User Codes  
User Names - Each code may also be programmed with the user’s  
name. Up to 16 characters may be entered.  
User Level - The user is also assigned a level of authority (1 to 9) or  
customized authority by the person administrating the system that  
determines the functions the user can access.  
Note: Service Request is not displayed if it has not been enabled on  
your system.  
The following table lists system functions users are allowed to access  
based on the authority level assigned to their codes.  
User Menu  
8. The display changes to LEVEL  
CUSTOM. Select LEVEL to  
Programming Custom User Codes  
assign a standard set of authorized functions as outlined in the  
User Code Authority Levels table on the previous page.  
In addition to the preset authority levels, you can also create custom  
authority levels by selecting the CUSTOM option at the time the user  
is being added to the system. This option allows you to assign specific  
User Menu access to individual users.  
9. At the LEVEL: - display, enter an authority level from 1 to 9.  
Press COMMAND. The displays shows USER # ADDED.  
10.Select CUSTOM to customize the functions you want the user to  
access. This allows users to have certain capabilities outside of  
a standard authority level. The following chart shows the custom  
menu with default selections.  
Adding User Codes  
1. Access the User Menu.  
2. Press COMMAND until USER CODES? displays. (NOTE: You  
must have a level 9 authority. If you enter the User Menu with a  
lower authority, the keyboard will not display USER CODES?.)  
(user code)  
ALM SLNC (alarm silence)  
SNSR RST (sensor reset)  
OUTPUTS (outputs on/off)  
ZN STATS (zone status)  
SYS STAT (system status)  
SYS TEST (system test)  
(day, date, and time)  
3. Press any SELECT key. ADD DEL CHG displays.  
(display events)  
4. Press the SELECT key under ADD to add a new user code.  
TEMP CODE (temporary code)  
5. At the USER NUMBER:- prompt, enter a user number and press  
COMMAND. The display changes to CODE NO:- .  
NO SERV REQ (service request)  
NO FIRE DRIL (fire drill)  
6. Enter a user code of 3 to 5 digits and press COMMAND. The user  
enters this number each time they make changes. If using  
access cards, present the card instead of entering a code. The  
code is displayed for four seconds. After the code is entered, the  
display changes to USER NUMBER ###.  
YES allows you to then enter the number of days (1 to 250) that  
a temporary user code can operate. Default is 7 days. Temp  
users are deleted from the system at 12:00 AM on the last day.  
11.Press the ARROW key to exit the User Menu.  
7. A 16 character name may be entered to identify the user. Press  
any top row key to clear the current name. You may then enter  
the new name. After the name is entered, press COMMAND.  
Note: It is recommended that user codes be enabled for only the  
function shown above. Other burglary functions are available to add  
to a user code, but are not relevant and, therefore, are not  
User Menu  
Ambush Codes  
Changing User Codes  
Your system may be programmed to allow user number one (1) to be  
an Ambush code. This Ambush code functions identically to a  
standard code with the exception that it sends a silent alarm to the  
central station. This silent alarm alerts the operator to a duress  
situation at the premises and prompts the immediate notification of  
1. Access the User Menu.  
2. Press the COMMAND key until USER CODES? displays.  
3. Press any SELECT key. ADD DEL CHG is displayed.  
4. Press the SELECT key under CHG to change a user code.  
5. At the USER NUMBER:  
- prompt, enter the user number to  
Deleting User Codes  
change and press COMMAND.  
1. Access the User Menu.  
6. The display changes to CODE NO: * * * * *. Press a SELECT key  
2. Press COMMAND until USER CODES? displays.  
and enter the new user code. Press COMMAND.  
3. Press any SELECT key. ADD DEL CHG is displayed.  
Note: Changing a user code does not change the user number.  
4. Press the SELECT key under DEL to delete a user code from the  
system. You must have a user code level of 9 or have a custom  
user code with that authority to be able to delete a user code.  
7. The display then shows the current user name. Press any top  
rowkeytoclear. ToenteraCustomName, pressthenumberkey  
above the letter that you wish to enter. Each number key  
displays three letters. Press the top row select key under the  
letter you wish to enter. Repeat until entire name is entered.  
5. At the USER NUMBER: - prompt, enter the user number you  
want to delete and press COMMAND. The displays changes to  
8. The display changes to LEVEL CUSTOM. Refer to Adding User  
6. The display then changes back to USER NUMBER: - allowing  
you to delete another user. Press the ARROW key twice to exit  
the User Menu.  
Codes on the previous page for a description of this prompt.  
9. After entering the authority level, the displays shows USER #  
CHANGED for five seconds followed by USER NUMBER: -.  
This display allows you to enter another user number to change.  
Press the ARROW key twice to exit the User Menu.  
User Menu  
7. THU FRI SAT is displayed. Press the SELECT key under the  
correct day. You can use the ARROW key to toggle between the  
two day of the week displays.  
Setting the Date and Time  
User Code Level: 8 and above.  
Function: Allows you to change the current date and time displayed  
on the Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel and used by the system  
to log events in its Event Memory program.  
8. Press the SELECT key under DATE to change the date. The  
displays shows  
MONTH:- Enter one or two digits for the month.  
Setting the System’s Date and Time  
Press COMMAND.  
Enter up to two digits for the day.  
Enter up to two digits for the year.  
1. Access the User Menu.  
Press COMMAND.  
2. Press COMMAND until TIME? displays. Press any SELECT  
Press COMMAND.  
3. Thedisplayshowsthecurrentdayandtime.PresstheCOMMAND  
key. The current date is displayed. Press the COMMAND key to  
make any changes.  
The display returns to the TIME DAY DATE display. Press the  
ARROW key to exit the User Menu.  
4. TIME DAY DATE is displayed.  
5. Press the SELECT key under TIME to change the time. The  
displays shows – : AM PM. Enter the current time and select  
AM or PM.  
The display changes back to TIME DAY DATE.  
6. Press the SELECT key under DAY to change the day of week.  
SUN MON TUE WED is displayed. If the current day of the week  
is not displayed, press the COMMAND key.  
User Menu  
4. To use the Sort feature, press the SELECT key under SRT.  
FRST DATE: 8/21 is displayed. Press any SELECT key and  
enter a 4-digit beginning date for the sort. Press COMMAND.  
Display Events  
User Code Level: All Users.  
Function: Allows you to review up to 200 past system events.  
5. LAST DATE: 10/17 is displayed. Press any SELECT key and  
enter a 4-digit ending date for the sort. Press COMMAND.  
There are three applicable event types:  
6. USER NUMBER: - is displayed. To sort events for a particular  
user, enter the user number or press COMMAND to sort for all  
users. To search for a user, press any SELECT key then use the  
COMMAND and ARROW keys to browse through the user  
names in the system. When the user you want is displayed,  
press any SELECT key then press COMMAND.  
Zone Activity - Zone alarms, troubles, and restorals.  
User Code Changes - Adding, deleting, and changing user codes.  
Supervisory - Problems with the system’s hardware components.  
Any event older than 45 days is cleared automatically by the system.  
Also, once the full 200 events are stored, any new event causes the  
oldest event to be cleared.  
7. Next, the display shows five event types that you can include in  
the sort. Press the right SELECT key to display YES as the event  
type name is displayed. Press COMMAND.  
Using the Display Events  
The following are the five sort event types:  
1. Access the User Menu.  
ACCESSES = door accesses granted (Not Applicable).  
2. Press the COMMAND key until DISPLAY EVENTS? displays.  
DOOR NUMBER = leave blank for all doors (Not Applicable).  
Press any SELECT key.  
ZONE EVENTS = zone alarms, troubles, and restorals.  
USER EVENTS = adding, deleting, and changing user codes.  
SUPERVISORY = system hardware problems.  
3. The display shows FRST LST PRT SRT. Select FRST (first)  
to view the oldest to newest events. Select LST (last) to view the  
newesttooldestevents. IfyouselectFIRST, usetheCOMMAND  
key to scroll up through the events. If you select LAST, use the  
ARROW key to scroll down through the events.  
8. After the last event type is displayed, again the display shows  
FRST LST PRT SRT. At this point, you can view or print the  
new sorted Display Events or press SRT for a new sort.  
Select SRT (sort) to sort through the Display Events log and  
collect information specific to a user or system event.  
Select PRT (print) to print the complete Display Events log.  
User Menu  
User Code Change Event Displays  
This displays any addition, deletion, or change to a user code.  
About the Display Events Section  
This section of the user’s guide shows the User's Guide Display  
Center displays. While in the Display Events function, use the  
list of events.  
ADD 11: 41A 10 / 17  
US:19 BY US:12  
User 19 added by user 12 at 11:41 AM.  
Press the Select key under either user  
(US:) number for the user name.  
Zone Event Displays  
ADD - User added DEL - User deleted  
This section displays alarms, troubles, and other events that could  
occur on your protection zones. Some of the Zone and Event types  
listed here are not applicable to the XR2400F. Please disregard any  
displays that are not discussed in this User’s Guide.  
CHG - User code or authority level has been changed.  
Supervisory Event Displays  
This displays the date and time of an automatic test report.  
ALR 10: 23P 10/17  
An alarmoccurredat10:23 PM on Oct. 17.  
Press any SELECT key to see the zone  
number and zone type.  
MSG 11: 58P 10 / 17  
The test report was sent to the central  
station at the date and time shown.  
Zone Type - There are 7 possible zone types you may see here.  
System Monitor Event Displays  
FIRE - Fire  
PANC - Panic  
BURG - Burglary  
This displays any problems with the system's AC power, battery, or  
phone line(s) or any opening of a tampered panel box.  
EMRG - Emergency  
AUX1 - Auxiliary 1  
SUPV - Supervisory  
AUX2 - Auxiliary 2  
Event Types - There are 7 event types you may see here:  
TBL 11:41A 10/17  
An AC failure occurred on Oct. 17. Press  
the SELECT key under 10/17 for the time  
the failure occurred.  
ALR - Alarm  
TBL - Trouble  
RST - Restore  
LOW - Low battery  
FLT - Zone Fault  
MIS - Missing wireless transmitter  
SVC - Service smoke detector  
User Menu  
System Monitor Event Types - There are 2 event types:  
TBL - Trouble RST - Restore  
System Monitor Event Names - There are 5 system monitors:  
Fire Drill  
User Code Level: 8 and above.  
Your system may be programmed to allow a Fire Drill. The Fire Drill  
is used to test the fire bells, horns, and other notification appliances  
in your system. The Fire Drill turns on your system bell circuit, but  
does not send a message to the central station.  
POWER - AC power to panel  
LINE 1 - Phone line number 1  
LINE 2 - Phone line number 2  
BATTERY - On panel  
TAMPER - On panel box  
Starting a Fire Drill  
1. Access the User Menu.  
2. Press COMMAND until the FIRE DRILL? displays. Press any  
Service Request  
User Code Level: 8 and above.  
SELECT key.  
3. SURE? YES NO is displayed.  
Function: Allows you to send a Request for Service message to the  
central station when there is a problem on your system.  
4. Press the SELECT key under YES to start the Fire Drill test.  
Ending a Fire Drill  
After the Display Events function and if this feature is programmed for  
your user code, you will see SERVICE REQUEST? displayed in the  
User Menu. If you would like to send a Request for Service report to  
the central station, press any top row SELECT key while SERVICE  
REQUEST? is displayed. After the Request for Service report is sent,  
REQUEST MADE is displayed for four seconds. Note: This function  
is only displayed if it is enabled on your system and the user code has  
1. Enter your code and press COMMAND to end the Fire Drill.  
2. TheFireDrilltestwillautomaticallyendwithanALARMSILENCE  
or the programmed Bell Cutoff time.  
Using the DRILL function key  
The DRILL function key can be used after the keyswitch has been  
turned to the “Enable” position.  
Press the DRILL function key. The display will show SURE? YES  
NO. Press YES to begin the fire drill.  
The fire drill will automatically end after the programmed Bell Cutoff  
User Menu  
895 Voice Module  
You can also use the 895 Voice Module with the XR2400F Fire Alarm  
Control Panel. The 895 allows you to call your system using a touch-  
tone telephone, and perform a variety of functions, ranging from  
arming and disarming to turning outputs on and off. The 895 operates  
much like a voice mail system, providing you with easy to follow  
English language prompts.  
The 895 Voice Module will provide you with easy-to-understand  
promptsthatleadyouthroughthestepstocontrolyoursystem. Using  
your present User Code and User Code Level, you will have access  
to the same options of your system using the telephone as you would  
when using a keypad to control your security system.  
For more information about the 895 Voice Module, refer to LT-0421,  
the 895 Voice Module User's Guide. You can also contact your  
security system salesperson for further information.  
LT-0560 (12/00)  

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